A growing community of families and supporters attended the recent Corner Inlet College ‘Information Event and Expo’ creating a wonderful occasion.
Momentum is building as the school moves towards opening for Year 7 and Year 8 students in 2025. Hosted in the R.J. Fleming Room at the South Gippsland Hospital, guests shared the college philosophy, learning program, and master plan.
College Director and MC, Jan Bull, commenced with the school’s Acknowledgement of Country before each board member introduced themselves.
Guest Speaker, Robyn Eva, explored the topic of Emotional Intelligence. Robyn also described the benefits of embedding Social and Emotional Learning; including for the wellbeing of staff, students and families; and the subsequent benefits of improved academic outcomes.
Students were asked to provide their input during the event. "What does your ideal school look and feel like?" responses included: A community and a big family, Student agency, Pastoral/Wellbeing program, Inspirational education, Visiting guest speakers and mentors on specialised topics, Big kids helping/teaching little kids, Variety and challenges, Science, Geology, and Lots of camps. The most popular outdoor activities chosen included canoeing, rock climbing, and mountain biking.
A special thank you to the South Gippsland Hospital for providing the meeting space. And thank you to the Hospital Auxiliary group who provided refreshments for guests.
Enrolment applications are now open online via www.cornerinletcollege.org/enrolment with the enrolment process expected to take place in August. Full commencement, and operation is pending VRQA registration.
The next information event will be held in June. Interested families can view the school’s website for more information and are invited to get in touch at any time.